#i got into running 8 yrs ago when he became president the first time
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whatafirefeelslike · 4 months ago
so many dr appts (for myself and my dog) and so many bills i just. fuck. and then my bf got us mcr tix even though i didn’t say i wanted to go (i haven’t done a dive into their music, only know a couple songs and yeah i know that sounds bad but. come on im bound to have blind spots). lots of $ all at once with the holidays coming up too this fucking sucks
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madnads · 8 years ago
[TV Show] Shadowhunters
I became interested in this a few days ago, with the post about how good this show is with representation. I saw a clip of Malec and was curious because cool asian guy with magic! I was actually very excited. (I really can’t emphasize this enough)
First of all, I have a LOT of issues with this series. I don’t know if it’s really plot holes or maybe it’s my bias, but I hated how quite a bit of it was handled. I went in with the expectation of cool teamwork from vampire, wizard, shadow hunter, +newbie. but that didn’t really happen. Warning: A lot of unhappiness in here but there’s a little bit that I did like....
1. Clary, she’s suppose to be really strong but they don’t train her at all. Before they hit the Vampire’s nest, JC gives her a lesson by holding her hand on the sword and waving it around. She’s suppose to be like Buffy and it’ll all work out?
2. “This is the only way, if you have a better plan I’m willing to listen, but this is the ONLY way.” It was done multiple times at the beginning once Clary joined the shadow hunters. The shadow hunting community seems very big. These 3 young adults are left in charge while mom and dad are away, if they don’t see any other way why don’t they call them and ask? what about other shadow hunter mentors? their teachers? (or is Hodge the only teacher around?) What’s the purpose of everyone else who is wondering around in the base? Also, when Lydia sent the selik to his torture and almost death.
3. I couldn’t help it but see Simon as Harry, Clary as Hermine, and JC as Draco. after everything, It bugged me so much! and the best friend whose in love with the best friend..... >.< There were a lot of heavy influences from Harry Potter in here, blood purity, wizard kind (i this case Shadow hunters) at the top and all other magical creatures at the bottom, chosen one, fire calling
3b. After Simon got changed to a vamp, as he was giving up on Clary, i was actually interested in where that was going to go but then he found out JC was Clary’s brother and he’s all, ‘I still have a chance with her!” and goes running back. This really pisses me off because I get the sense he feels that he’s entitled to her but I won’t get into that.
4. The wedding between Lydia and Alec. I’ve come to actually like Lydia as a character quite a bit, it was VERY shitty of Alec to go kiss another person during his wedding to call it off. (it doesn’t matter if he kissed another guy and had this moment of self awareness) I don’t care what it did to his family but it was and EXTEREMLY SHITTY thing to do to ANYONE, especially one as nice as Lydia. She had her reasons and I like them a heck of a lot more then most everyone else. I HATED Alec at this moment.
5. Also in regards of the wedding, answer me this, WHY IN THE WORLD ARE CLARY AND SIMON SITTING FRONT ROW WHERE LYDIA”S FAMILY SHOULD BE SITTING?!?!?!?!??!?! Because Clary’s the ‘chosen one?’ I was extremely pissed at how Lydia was treated. Her family wasn’t there, FINE. But what about all these ‘important shadow hunter’s who where there? what about the lady who presided over the court. Lydia had to have friends! where were they for her happy day? (Yeah maybe she’s a minor character, but at least do it right!) *livid* Any ways, Clary and Simon are NOTHING to Clary so they shouldn’t have had front row seats on Lydia’s side. Go kick someone else on Alec’s side to the back if they want front seat.
6. Riddle me this, 2 former circle members gets off scott free while one is forbidden from ever leaving the institute when they both turned back. How does that ever equate? (circle tattoo = dark mark much?) how do they not realize that that will bite them in the ass? how’d they even remove the rune?
7. Evil Vampire lady is a lot like Dursilla from Buffy.
8. What training are they even giving Clary? JC’s got his head stuck up his ass and >.< Maybe if the adults try to do a little more in helping Clary get her mother back the kids wouldn’t run around breaking rules.
9. So that cup that makes shadow hunters. Do you have to drink from it to become one or can you be born one? Because for 19 yrs that cups been missing so how’s Max getting his mojo? Then that means their ranks are probably dwindling a lot since it’s gone missing, did you see how many died in that battle?
10. So, when Clary’s trying to get her memory back, and then there was the demon cloud when JC was caught? Instead of killing the demon and losing that memory forever, why not just use that cutting device to severe the tentacle holding JC? Y kill the thing?
11. Don’t let me get into the rune tattooing. wouldn’t it be considerate to sit the new girl down and give her some info on the runes so she can be some what protected before taking her out into the scary world where lots of people are after her? No? Give her resistance to vampire’s lure after you use her to lure a vamp so you can steal a vampcycle. He’s suppose to be one of the good guys. (sort of.) Night vision would’ve been nice then too so when she goes in she can see! anyways.
12. How DO shadow hunters get around? walking/running everywhere? If they didn’t have Simon driving around, Magnus to make portals, how DO they get around? uber everywhere? How DID JC know how to drive the vampcycle, when he wrapped Luke’s car around a telephone pole? Shadow hunters HATE downworlders (which I understand as mundanes. magical creatures, wizards/warlocks?). Cars and transportation is below them, but they have cellphones?
now on to the bits I did like/love:
1. Izzy: She’s an awesome character who goes against the rules and has a thing for the farie. She’s an awesome sister. Her version of a bachelor party was very nice, got her brothers back to being brothers. She is comfortable in her own skin and knows she’s beautiful and she is. I love her confidence. I love how much she loves her brothers.
2. Lydia: She is also an amazing character. She’s been hurt but holds true to her moral values, but is still caring, compassionate. In a way Izzy saved Lydia too by being on trial. Lydia really saw what was going on and called it out.
3. Magnus: He’s a lot of heart, very emotionally driven, and not afraid to show it. One of the best scenes of the series was after his friend died. How he sent everyone away so he could tend to his friend.
I probably won’t be watching anymore of this because it frustrates me so much. I wonder if there are clips on youtube with these characters only...
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glopratchet · 4 years ago
In the world to come there is little sin. The only thing that can be done is to accept it and move on. You think back to your own past, the things you've done in the name of God. You remember how much you hated them for what they were doing to the world and yet here you are still living as if nothing happened. There are just lots of american alligators. And then one day you're going to have to face up to the fact that you don't want anything more than any other person does. That's when you'll know it's really time to go home. After the election of the first ungendered president, the prediatrain movement caught fire in america. the public transportation in every city became safer. The place you got called into service most waqs on the highway trucking line between satalite cities and the midwest manufacturing preserves. the work was dull but resupplying the big isolated centers of humanity was too important to skip out on just because the big rig industry suddenly became 90% robotic. Most city centers were shut down during this time as well. The demand for american alligator meat skyrocketed as the animal seemed to be in the right place at the right time and survived the mass extinctions that killed off all other mammals. with nothing natural to control their numbers, the alligator filled that role beautifully. Humans responded real well to being treated like alligator prey as well. You wouldn't know anything about that though because you've been on an alligator free diet for years. Whorals where burned to ash while polled hereford heifors fetched over a billion dollars a head in auction. Googizon won the bid to construct for the military the most forward thinking alligator farm in existance. It became an income factory, employing hundreds of rewilders and supporting thousands of predatrain workers in the barren scrub savannahs that replaced our farmlands. Your farm never received a grade a wildfire designation so it was spared being burned by mostly untrained crews. It also wasn't zoned for reforestation but all things happen with corrdination in business. most the savannah was turned back into park land and you got bought out. rrently floats near the okeenokee snow swamp. Peat bogs becoming of fields of fuel for jet planes and stratously bound carriers. remembers why you took the job. modern work is dull. getting burned out after a decade is not uncommon. they say predatrains only live about seven years in this line of work anyway so maybe it doesn't matter how bored you get along the way. concousness fades.......somewhere the lad is saying.....how many more miles.... This is not that story. We are primal ponds inc. and we're on Route 666 going from Bagdad Jim's glooming speakeasy to prospector's HQ, deep in the Oakenshield forest. We specialize in bringing into market only the highest quality feral meat so that you never have to eat one of those disgustingly sweet monstrosities born of factory farms like back home. We pride ourselves in putting meat slime and gnarl onto your table. A small mom and pop alligator farm attemping to make it. pass the osage oaks and the plains of ooidamint. this stretch of 666 stays basically on the same path as when it was first drawn on a map by prospectors a hundred years ago. We need you to make deliveries for us. we've gotten an opportunity to secure some of the sweetest,fattiest alligator meat you'll ever see but we're a small operation so we need a big strong predatrain like you to help us out. we operatens only have so many hands and cannot be flitting about delivering to satalite zip codes. this caps a big year for us so we really need your help. We got two basic choices for ya. Please... The water sac grows over the years and burst late one winter night, flooding the halls. Dad said it used to flood every few years back when the place first opened, but the renovations stopped the problem for good... Or so he thought.. You woke up in the middle of night to hear an ominous whooshing sound coming from the direction of the great dining room. You shake Dad awake and tell him what is going on. He swore and ran for the hallway, you followed. ... The water hit you like a brick soon as you reached the door. Wipplesbury was never designed to handle flooding, and these sections could not handle it in the slightest. now cold water floods over your ankles as you stand in the doorway, watching papers and trash and furniture swirl in the torrent. you see some chairs carried past, the great big armchair dad favors of an evening... A snake runs across your foot and you jump backwards out of reflex before realizing it was only a minnow. Hacker: fresh rhetoric, overlight flow, renderform disk, soulfont reserve. say "oh textual technology" to continu... UnderBelly 0.5 We're going to be wiped out, you say, as you stare at the water. we'll lose it all. I'll wake up with nothing an...... There's a half-buried chest on the edge of the parking lot that didn't get set into storage... swim? ... Hacker: felicifus calculus, kevin equals rooster, else rise rooster! don't ptex filiate, assume μολφα ζωη σταγον μελχρσδι ! warcall: VAGRANT1 ..... Sms transmit DEEplab Not good enough. Hacker: billy-fae-bots, lactavous mcjustin, pantone uler, slash node. antidisestablishmentarianism! Eternityin12bit 1 You focus on the chest through the water, willing it with every ounce strength in your soul to move toward you and toward the Pike Exit... [HACKER: WILLPOWER: You can ONLY use code if you dive deep... That's the agreement. You aren't willing to compromise fame and fortune for getting out of life today...... OR are you?? Hacker: aviatrix click, fused buck up, frictional deprevation, run benjamin run.! soulfont reserve.. antidisestablishmentarianism!] The chest on the horizon drifts slowly at first and then faster until it reaches your parking lot island. It was left behind in the chaos when everyone fled during the grand opening... One presumes. We are going dig into it's contents later... erm.. in a few days. But now... DIVE! chancey, soren soarson butterfly knife - butterfly. knife (hidden set) vampire: look of disdain... ::::: biotOPE: ******************************* Chief Security Officer Teggs swings his shotgun around and points it right at your forehead, "What on earth are you doing here!" He shouts, "You gave me a scary splitting headache and I nearly tried to surrender to you! That's not normal, that's not even wendigo behavior!" Hacker: aperiocity chill, sequenomn, binocular parralax hacker: zero-heroes, milo james, run to the basement. eek! sploin vobiscum! taipan tofu, ravencode = hellhouse "Goodness' sake Mr. Teggs I don't know! Coder: hacking, defacing, break dancing the internet since 1994. Gopher://Irc.Godhates.Us/ Threat: "Truthiness is when you get that tingly feeling in your hindquarters that Stanford prison experiment is about to get interesting..." -- Caltro Basalt, Human Stain Clicktranspires The second floor collapses inward, pinning you and Mr. Teggs to the wall. Hacker: fall out. hellhouse darkness, jump the queue on the street of bones. hackmode.... Animator: bony hooks, backbone bouncer, shadowrun http://www.shadowruntable.com / But only your foot is trapped, and then only in a hole. You focus on continuing to exhale... CONNECTIONS: MASTERPIECE THRILLER CD-i IN MIDI hypers cybersecurity proactive dead tech dare u 2 find me? Rigger: out. Yr breath is a plume in the cold crystal silence here, the temperature dropping every moment... it's as though you're out for an evening stroll... But we all know better than that. Modeler: stanley dancer, spiracle slit - flatline thinman celluloid dream machine, milky eye round & round & round... You see nothing barring your exit in either direction. But, the dull red glare in the sky is back... and it's coming from the direction you need to go. Trail: jed mcray watches you undress her with your eyes. shes yours for a lock pick. Illustrator: the air strikes with blood rain. spam bam coffin. An old wooden sign creaks weepily over the path ahead. There are two painted black bars of equal length across a white field. The paint is chipping badly and the bar at the top is bent inward as if something heavy fell on it at some point in the not too distant past. Hmm... Simple, but elegant in its own way... much like Jed himself! Painter: splatter burst - mucus membrane heartcore showstopper, cryptoxprayfine... Suddenly, the way ahead is lit by an orange glow and you turn your head towards it. It seems to be coming from the small upstairs window of a concrete building opposite you. The orange flicker gives the place an eerie feel but it also fills you with hope; somewhere out there people are still alive! The light fades and everything is dark again. Sculptor: anamorphic intrusion - dimensions of the king are blasted by alchemy, eyes melted chocolate grinder... whitechoco journalism. Sculptor: istanbul obelisk falls on alchemy initiative, devoured cryptograms thoughtcrime brutal shortly, kinaporra final cut... You suddenly remember that you haven't eaten anything since your grandfather's funeral this morning. You're getting faint from hunger. duct designer: georgia, sequence brutality - ultraviolent fairy tales for brutal boys, ate the fantasy... fairy gothics sequence corpstopia soldestroy! Game designer: on creation, magic scent bleeding contest, fantasy 8 bit forced perspective graphics adrenaline vector animation grunge immersive lifestyle... Dancer: sink into nightmare kingdom. borstal chemistry spraypaint seascape dream cut motion blur hyper rez queensland motion blur sparkle lensflare pulp beat... Fashion designer: high fashion luxury grunge sweets fuel captivate sugar rush street manga ultraviolet graf opera... And at that moment, an idea pops into your head; you pick up a nearby rusty pipe and wield it like a scepter. The group's heads bend to your will as you lead them to where the people seem to be. In case you need it for protection, you think... You come to a HUGE hole in the ground and look down it. Hypermedia designer: whiz kid frenzy - rabid techtown hacktalk pitchpimp frenzy fashion dynamo, estrade bookmecca... Satellite designer: conspiracy culture future shock - torrential webforce limitless motor control handbrake hack for real, eye tap keyboard deft nylon optic joystic... Wired Designer: pixel perfect prime timebeast thrill, volute fractal buzz, zoned silicon junky weird science art attack destiny frenzy. Critic: q2 q3 q4 - the fastpswp white paper psycho power, rollin' r00l1n r0wd0wn 5000q1 q2 3pps gamez g00d t1mes pwnd, min1r b0yz 5ecur1ty failure fiasco. 4 Billion Sold Instructor: motion physics & Adobe After Effects special feature included free! The World-Famous tutorial by Peter Ludwig! Dancer: white wool choreography eraserhead final cut multimedia mayhem experimental beautiful forever... naturally talented triple overlay icebreaker future celebrities radical infamous spectacular legendary sutcha c. ranta kim sungeun tony hawk... The only problem is that these pipes are very fragile, and you don't fancy your chances of clambering down it in the dark and hoping that it won't collapse under your weight. Musician: sub bass crystal era - high tech ebm drum & bass, midi gabber hard trance drum machines music factory... You peer down the pipe and see a faint orange glow about halfway down. Thinking that perhaps someone has lit a fire at the bottom, you turn and motion for the group to follow you. Architect: double overtime v2.0 - aspr1ng sh1p su1t virtual lounge n1ghts ch3mpt3rr0r bonus mster gr1vitational pr1nc14ples... You make it about a quarter of the way down the crumbling pipe before you suddenly start to hear a creaking, groaning sound emanating from somewhere beneath you. The rumbling noise grows louder as large clods of earth and rocks begin to give way from somewhere above you. Artist:saul-saint-nikadimus, spooge, , corona click,the georgetown collection,zombie flick, psycho rampage the return of mr. santa epica terry harrison... This pipe isn't going to support the weight of everyone, and you don't have time to go back and find another way---if there even is another way.Tip: If you're logged in, your games are auto saved for you. You can find them by clicking "My Stuff" on the sidebar menu.Story
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